"""This profile demonstrates how to add some extra *local* disk space on your node. In general nodes have much more disk space then what you see with `df` when you log in. That extra space is in unallocated partitions or additional disk drives. An *ephemeral blockstore* is how you ask for some of that space to be allocated and mounted as a **temporary** filesystem (temporary means it will be lost when you terminate your experiment). Instructions: Log into your node, your **temporary** file system in mounted at `/mydata`. """ # Import the Portal object. import geni.portal as portal # Import the ProtoGENI library. import geni.rspec.pg as rspec # Import the emulab extensions library. import geni.rspec.emulab # Create a Request object to start building the RSpec. request = portal.context.makeRequestRSpec() # Allocate a node and ask for a 30GB file system mounted at /mydata node = request.RawPC("node") node.disk_image = "urn:publicid:IDN+emulab.net+image+emulab-ops//UBUNTU18-64-STD" bs = node.Blockstore("bs", "/mydata") bs.size = "30GB" # Print the RSpec to the enclosing page. portal.context.printRequestRSpec()