Trusted Disk Loading in the Emulab Network Testbed.
Cody Cutler, Mike Hibler, Eric Eide, and Robert Ricci.
In Proceedings of the
Third Workshop on Cyber
Security Experimentation and Test (CSET),
Washington, DC,
August 2010.
Toward Replayable Research in Networking and Systems.
Eric Eide.
Position paper presented at
Archive '10, the
NSF Workshop on Archiving Experiments to Raise Scientific
Salt Lake City, UT,
May 2010.
Modeling and Emulation of Internet Paths.
Pramod Sanaga, Jonathon Duerig, Robert Ricci, and Jay Lepreau.
In Proceedings of the
Sixth USENIX Symposium
on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI),
pages 199-212,
Boston, MA,
April 2009.
Transparent Checkpoints of Closed Distributed Systems in
Anton Burtsev, Prashanth Radhakrishnan, Mike Hibler, and Jay Lepreau.
In Proceedings of the
Fourth ACM
European Conference on Computer Systems,
pages 173-186,
Nuremberg, Germany,
April 2009.
Stateful-Swapping in the Emulab Network Testbed.
Prashanth Radhakrishnan. Master's Thesis, University of Utah, August 2008.
Securing the Frisbee Multicast Disk Loader.
Robert Ricci and Jonathon Duerig.
In Proceedings of the
2008 Workshop on
Cyber Security Experimentation and Test,
San Jose, CA, July 2008.
Large-scale Virtualization in the Emulab Network Testbed.
Mike Hibler, Robert Ricci, Leigh Stoller, Jonathon Duerig,
Shashi Guruprasad, Tim Stack, Kirk Webb, and Jay Lepreau.
In Proceedings of the
2008 USENIX Annual
Technical Conference,
pages 113-128,
Boston, MA, June 2008.
Towards a High Quality Path-oriented Network Measurement and Storage
David Johnson, Daniel Gebhardt, and Jay Lepreau.
In Proceedings of the
Ninth Passive and Active Measurement Conference
(PAM 2008),
pages 102-111,
Cleveland, OH, April 2008.
The Flexlab Approach to Realistic Evaluation of Networked Systems.
Robert Ricci, Jonathon Duerig, Pramod Sanaga, Daniel Gebhardt,
Mike Hibler, Kevin Atkinson, Junxing Zhang, Sneha Kasera, and Jay Lepreau.
In Proceedings of the
Fourth USENIX Symposium
on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI 2007),
pages 201-214,
Cambridge, MA, April 2007.
An Experimentation Workbench for Replayable Networking
Eric Eide, Leigh Stoller, and Jay Lepreau.
In Proceedings of the
Fourth USENIX Symposium
on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI 2007),
pages 215-228,
Cambridge, MA, April 2007.
Remote Low Frequency State Feedback Kinematic Motion Control for
Mobile Robot Trajectory Tracking.
Daniel Montrallo Flickinger and Mark A. Minor.
In Proceedings of the
2007 IEEE International Conference on
Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2007),
pages 3502-3507,
Rome, Italy, April 2007.
Emulab Federation.
Jay Lepreau's and Rob Ricci's talks at the Testbed Federation Workshop, USC/ISI, December 10, 2006.
Issues; New Development
B&W 6-up PDF)
Preliminary Design
B&W 6-up PDF)
An Experimentation Workbench for Replayable Networking
Eric Eide, Leigh Stoller, and Jay Lepreau.
Flux Technical Note FTN–2006–03, University of Utah,
December 2006.
Revised version appears in NSDI 2007
(linked above); please read and cite that paper instead.
Flexlab: A Realistic, Controlled, and Friendly Environment
for Evaluating Networked Systems.
Jonathon Duerig, Robert Ricci, Junxing Zhang, Daniel Gebhardt, Sneha Kasera, Jay Lepreau.
Fifth Workshop on Hot Topics in Networks (HotNets-V),
Irvine, CA, November 2006.
Towards Fingerpointing in the Emulab Dynamic Distributed
Michael P. Kasick, Priya Narasimhan, Kevin Atkinson, Jay Lepreau.
Third USENIX Workshop on Real, Large Distributed Systems (WORLDS '06),
Seattle, WA, November 2006.
Automatic Online Validation of Network Configuration
in the Emulab Network Testbed.
David S. Anderson, Leigh Stoller, Mike Hibler, Tim Stack, Jay Lepreau.
In Proceedings of the
Third IEEE International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC 2006),
June 2006.
IP Address Assignment on Network Topologies.
Jonathon Duerig, Robert Ricci, John Byers, and Jay Lepreau.
Flux Technical Note FTN–2006–02, University of Utah,
February 2006.
A Mapper For Managing Shared, Virtualized Computing and Network
Robert Ricci's talk at the INFORMS Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, November, 2005
(posted Feb 24, 2006).
Emulab: Recent Work, Ongoing Work.
Jay Lepreau's talk at the DETER Lab Community Meeting, USC/ISI, January 31, 2006
(posted Feb 22).
B&W 6-up PDF)
Integrated Scientific Workflow Management for the Emulab Network Testbed
Eric Eide, Leigh Stoller, Tim Stack, Juliana Freire, and Jay Lepreau.
In Proceedings of the
2006 USENIX Annual
Technical Conference,
pages 363–368, Boston, MA, May–June 2006. Short paper.
Mobile Emulab: A Robotic Wireless and Sensor Network Testbed.
David Johnson, Tim Stack, Russ Fish, Dan Flickinger,
Leigh Stoller, Rob Ricci, Jay Lepreau.
In Proceedings of
IEEE INFOCOM 2006, April 2006.
Lessons from Resource Allocators for Large-Scale Multiuser Testbeds.
Robert Ricci, David Oppenheimer, Jay Lepreau, Amin Vahdat.
ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review, 40(1), January 2006.
Whack-on-LAN: Inexpensive Remote PC Reset.
Grant Ayers, Kirk Webb, Mike Hibler and Jay Lepreau.
Flux Technical Note FTN–2005–05, University of Utah,
December 2005.
Optimizing IP Address Assignment on Network Topologies.
Jonathon Duerig, Robert Ricci, John Byers, and Jay Lepreau.
Flux Technical Note FTN–2005–04, University of Utah,
July 2005.
Superseded by
TrueMobile: A Mobile Robotic Wireless and Sensor Network Testbed.
David Johnson, Tim Stack, Russ Fish, Dan Flickinger, Rob Ricci, Jay Lepreau.
University of Utah Flux Group Technical Note 2005-02,
April 2005. Revised version appears in INFOCOM 2006
(linked above); please read and cite that paper instead.
Issues in Integrated Network Experimentation using Simulation and Emulation.
Shashikiran B. Guruprasad. Master's Thesis, University of Utah, August 2005.
Integrated Network Experimentation using Simulation and Emulation.
Shashi Guruprasad, Rob Ricci, and Jay Lepreau.
In Proceedings of TridentCom 2005, February 2005.
Implementing the Emulab-PlanetLab Portal: Experiences and Lessons
Kirk Webb, Mike Hibler, Robert Ricci, Austin Clements, and Jay Lepreau.
Appeared at WORLDS 2004,
December 2004.
Feedback-directed Virtualization Techniques for Scalable Network Experimentation.
Mike Hibler, Robert Ricci, Leigh Stoller, Jonathon Duerig, Shashi Guruprasad,
Tim Stack, Kirk Webb, and Jay Lepreau.
Flux Technical Note FTN–2004–02, University of Utah,
May 2004.
High Capacity Network Link Emulation Using Network Processors.
Abhijeet A. Joglekar. Master's Thesis, University of Utah, May 2004.
- Scaling Network Emulation with Multiplexed Virtual Resources,
Shashi Guruprasad, Leigh Stoller, Mike Hibler, Jay Lepreau;
SIGCOMM 2003 Poster Abstract, August 2003.
A4 Postscript)
Fast, Scalable Disk Imaging with Frisbee,
Mike Hibler, Leigh Stoller, Jay Lepreau, Robert Ricci, Chad Barb.
In Proceedings of the
2003 USENIX Annual Technical Conference,
June 2003.
The Frisbee software is open source and available.
A Solver for the Network Testbed Mapping Problem,
by Robert Ricci, Chris Alfeld, and Jay Lepreau.
SIGCOMM Computer Communications Review
33(2), issue dated April 2003.
A Solver for the Network Testbed Mapping Problem,
by Robert Ricci, Chris Alfeld, and Jay Lepreau, December 2002.
University of Utah Flux Group Technical Note 2002-05.
A revised version of this paper was published in CCR (linked above);
read and cite that in preference to this version.
An Integrated Experimental Environment for Distributed Systems and Networks,
by White, Lepreau, Stoller, Ricci, Guruprasad, Newbold, Hibler, Barb, and Joglekar,
appeared at OSDI 2002, December 2002.
BibTeX entry you should use to cite Netbed/Emulab
Lowering the Barrier to Wireless and Mobile Experimentation,
by Brian White, Jay Lepreau, Shashi Guruprasad;
appeared at
October 2002.
- Netbed: An Integrated Experimental Environment,
White et al.; SIGCOMM 2002 Poster Abstract, August 2002.
- SOSP'01 Poster, November 2001.
A one-page "glossy" testbed overview
Older Talks:
- emulab.net: An Emulation Testbed for Networks and Distributed Systems,
full presentation at Intel, June 2001.
- Utah CHPC Cluster workshop talk,
February 2000,
with lots of goofy pictures,
PowerPoint and
HTML formats.
- SOSP'99 Work-in-progress talk,
December 1999,
PowerPoint and
HTML formats.
- SIGCOMM'99 New Research Session,
September 1999,
PowerPoint and
HTML formats.